Friday 13 December 2013

How To Get My Video on the First Page Of Youtube

In this tutorial I will show you how to get your video on the very first page of youtube. There are 3 things you need in order to make your video on the fist page of youtube. The three things that you need is a good title, description and tags. If you have a good title, description and tags your video will be on the first page of youtube. Its not that hard to get your video on the fist page of youtube. Anyone can do it, even new youtube channels.

To get your video on the fist page your title has to be good. You have to make up a title that people are going to look up on youtube. Dont make your title as random numbers and alphabet. Make it like How to get your video on the fist page of youtube. If I was a youtuber that is what i would look for in a title. A good title on a video can really effect your chances of being on the first page of youtube.

The description is the second most important thing to make your video on the first page of youtube. Add a lot of keywords in your description that have to do with the video. The more you put in the video the better the video will be. Also the greater the chance your video will be on the first page.

The last thing you need is the tags. Tags are important as well. You have to include everything in your tags. the more tags, the better the chance it will be on the first page. Make sure you put tags that have to do with your video or people wont find your video

1 comment:

  1. Hi TeachMeGuy!
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    Very informative videos about how to sell on Amazon. Thank you,
